What does being transparent mean?

What does being transparent mean?

Transparency is intentionally baring your soul to the world by showing your true self to others.  Most people hide their essence in fear of rejection, lack of self-confidence, broken-hearted, or lack of fulfillment in life; there are many reasons a person will hold back who they are.  When a person hides behind this veil, they are robbing themselves of a happy and contented life.

By being transparent how can a person bring about a better life?  Through transparency, people are allowing themselves to feel their emotions without trying to understand or “fix” them.  This is a way to give yourself permission to feel and experience your feelings rather than reflect on them.  The creation from this process is a power that comes from within.  It is a peace and freedom of one’s self.  

I read that transparency reveals the character of a person and I could not agree more.  Feelings of fear, rejections, low self-esteem, and broken hearts (to name a few) create uneasiness within us and this leads to internal negative thoughts or Gremlins.  These Gremlins can drown out our essence; the same place transparency grows from.  Transparency removes feelings of uneasiness and drowns out the negative internal voices; this process builds power from within and helps to create positive living.

Working toward transparency should be done with a trusted source, a person that is non-judgmental and will support your growth. 

An exercise for you:

Note the things that prevent you from living a transparent life.

What actions can you implement to become more transparent?

What benefits do you think you would obtain by living transparently?

What risks are you willing to take to live transparently?

Are you pushing or pulling?

I was reading a newsletter about a person who was pushing on a door when the sign said to pull it and how that happens so often in life in so many other forms. I started thinking to myself “when do I feel like I am pushing instead of pulling?” The answer came easily to me, when I want results from my exhausting efforts. So then I thought, “How can I find ways to pulls so I don’t get frustrated so easily and be able to walk through the door and reap the benefits from my efforts?” The question is harder to answer. Therefore, I have some work ahead me, but I am up for it!

When do you feel like you are pushing instead of pulling? How can you see the sign more clearly, so that you can walk through the door and reap the benefits?

Spectrum of colors: My journey to awareness. Oh, and yes I have a coach! Steps 4 & 5

Stop, Reflect, Reframe

It has been over a month since my last blog, but I have been working on me, working on my family, working on my coaching practice, working on my house, working…working…working… It may come across as a gremlin when really it’s just what I need! I have found that I like to keep busy and more importantly I like to keep working on the things that add value to my life. After my last blog I took some time to STOP, REFLECT and REFRAME. Here is what showed up for me…

I cannot control the elements around me, as much as I tried to, and I cannot control what others will do and say. What I can control is ME; how I act and react, how I live, how I show up in the world. So I did some reframing and over time I have been able to tap into my natural resources and really show up authentically. I take time to laugh with my kids and watch my oldest ride his bike; roll around with my youngest on the floor. I listen to my husband; what makes him tick and what ticks him off! And finally I have been paying more attention to me. I sleep better at night and work out during the day. Just last week I took the week off and painted four rooms in my house. It felt SO good!

I volunteered for the Communications Chair for my local ICF chapter and ended up getting the Marketing Directors position! I have some great opportunities to collaborate with other coaching companies and have volunteered to coach for some local churches.  I don’t know how things will pan out for me, but I trust me enough to put myself out there, give it my best shot and learn every step of the way.

So am I still honoring my top five values? Right now, yes I am. Connections: I’m making them and allowing a comfortable space for the connections to stay. Health: I take time to exercise and I love it! I notice when I am exhausted and take a break! I nourish my mind with knowledge I crave, my body with good food and exercise and my soul with lots of love from my loved ones and myself! Balance: I allow for life to get messy, I notice and move on. It is not as hard to grow a business, take care of little ones, take care of a house, have a happy marriage and fit in time for myself when I know I don’t have to give 100% all the time to everything at once. Prioritize is huge for me and owning my own business allows me set my own schedule; I LOVE that! Information: I have said once I have said it a 1,000 times; knowledge is power! I believe this to be true. We are in the Information age and with all our resources right at our fingers tips, just a click away, how can I not be informed? The more I know the more I grow and the better aware I am about everything! Wealth: I am always looking for ways to grow my practice and bring in more income. My goal is to help people so it is important for me to help even those that cannot afford my services in some capacity. In many ways that is wealthy! Bills are paid, kids are provided for and groceries can be bought! However, I am far from my goal of financial independence. This is a work in progress and I am happy to be working!

So what is next for me? Oh I have LOTS going on. I am creating three workshops; Life Purpose: Who are you and what do you want? Career: How to interview with confidence & What to say on your resume, Shop for less: Eat healthier and never go hungry! I am busy with my clients, busy with my ICF local chapter; my kids haven’t grown up and moved out since my last blog entry so  I have my little angels and now I am ready for bed! It’s 10:38pm!

Until next blog, live well!

Spectrum of colors: My journey to awareness. Oh, and yes I have a coach! Steps 2 & 3

I’m baaaack! It’s been a while since my last blog post and I have been busy building a business, being a mom, wife and getting back to the basics. I did not realize how much learning I would go through exploring my values. How much connection from within I would tap into in order to live authentically. The past few weeks have been tiring yet liberating. I left my blog with these top five values I want to honor everyday; Balance, Connections, Information, Health and Wealth. Now what do these mean to me? Well, I realized that connections and health are inherited values and they are values that I choose to continue to uphold and practice in my life. Balance, information and wealth are core values; values that are import to who I am outside of what I have been taught. The hard part was discovering how I honor them and how I want to continue to honor them.

Connections, to me, embrace so many types of relationships; family, friends, my colleagues, and strangers and more importantly myself. My connections are about how I show up with people and how I openly share my essences with them. I noticed that as much as I value my connections I still felt disconnected and that was from me not showing up authentically. These past few weeks I have noticed when I am not showing up or being from my essence with people. This was huge because it created unwanted boundaries. I started to relax and take more time with my family; most importantly my kids. Holding them and hugging them even though I might have ten things going on at once so they know I am listening and care. Calling my close friends and leaving sweet messages so that they know I love and think about them. Before this exercise I would keep to minimal contact with people I didn’t know, going through life with tunnel vision. That “don’t talk to strangers” mentality; now I take time to wave at strangers, smile and look them in the eyes; say hello. I have also started to take a little more time for myself. Most days this means simply getting to bed earlier and others it means to have some quiet time to read or whatever my pleasure, but it’s important that I have time to nurturer myself.

Health is a big deal for me. I come from to two parents that have unfortunate health backgrounds. My mom’s family has history of cancer, lupus, and alcoholism. My dad’s family has history of heart disease, weight control, high blood pressure and cancer. It is vital that I am aware of my health and the health of my family. From grade school all the way until I got pregnant with my first son I didn’t have to work hard on maintaining my weight. I ate fairly well and exercised or dieted when I gained a few pounds here and there. I did have many moments when I would look in the mirror and cry “Ugh, I’m so fat!” or “I have got to lose some weight!” But little did I realize just how healthy I was until I got pregnant. I packed on around 75 pound with my first child and it took two years to get 60 of it off! I got pregnant again with my second one and another whopping 76 pounds was tacked onto my 5’6” frame! Here I am 15 months later and I have lost around 55 pounds. The lesson that I am learning, with help of my coach (Sue), is that it’s important for me to be healthy for me and my family, not for what the outside world thinks of the way I look. That is huge because I kept getting hung up on what people think when they see me; an overweight person? Well who cares. How will my health habits affect my children’s health habits? So, I am on a journey to better the activity in my life. I have two beautiful sons (my heart beats) to raise; I can’t afford to get SLE lupus, or high blood pressure, have weight issues that decrease my life span. We eat pretty well in my house, I cook 85% of our meals and most of them are West Indian dishes, packed full of veggies. I try to buy organic as often as possible so the most important thing for me to embraces is the power of feel good exercise!
Balance is really time management for me. Being able to juggle my life and values all at once and know that I don’t have to give 100% to everything all at the same time. I like being ‘every woman’ and want to be a happy ‘every woman’. I have different stages that my life goes though and at every stage it’s important for my time management techniques to have the flexibility of change. Sometimes I have items that are low on my priority list so they take the back burner for awhile. Other items will come off completely depending on how effective it really is in how I live and manage my life.

Information is another value that encompasses so much. Have you ever heard the old saying “Knowledge is power?” Well I could not have said it any better! Information is knowledge and knowledge is everywhere! For me information is my vehicle. It provides me with insight on being a good mom, being true to myself based on my values and what drives me. It allows me to grow my business and be aware of the world around me and beyond. Having information about others enables me to effectively communicate with them. Information allows me to be free of ignorance and embrace life as it unfolds; prepares me for ‘what’s next’ and gives me a sense of freedom.

Ok, I am down to my last value. Wealth! Now some of you may say “Wealth! That sounds kind of selfish.” But let me tell you, if I did not have some kind of value for wealth I would have the drive to do some of the things that I choose to do, like work for myself, or the financial resources to do the things I have to do like pay bills. I don’t care to be rich or have more money than God; I just want to help my wonderfully supportive and loving husband support our family. I want my kids to be able to go to college without it being a burden; my husband and I retire with few stresses and enjoy our kids and grandkids. Wealth is a financial security for me and for my family. So how am I honoring this? Well, I am making an effort to cut back and be more sensible about my spending habits. My husband and I agreed on a budget; I balance the check book and pay all bills so I appreciate where the money comes from and where it has to go out to. I am diligently working to grow my life coaching business; a successful practice that helps change seeking people. And we have made important life style changes that fit our current needs.

Gosh, three steps down and the last two to go! It’s been a LONG read and I appreciate you for sticking around to see what all I have to say. I hope that through my journey you are finding inspiration to take your own. Notice that change does not happen overnight and it is a continual journey. The key is to be on the path that YOU choose in order to obtain the results that YOU want.

Until I blog again, stay well!

Spectrum of colors: My journey to awareness. Oh, and yes I have a coach! Step 1

Ever since I became a coach I read all types of coaching books and self-improvement material. This along with my coach training and of course working with my clients have helped me grow, learn more every day and become a more aware person. When my colleagues and I decided to work on a newsletter, which is the catalyst for a workshop we are also working on, I jumped at the opportunity to spear head the project.
Then I started feeling stuck so during the holiday break I had an “Oh crap!” kind of conversation with my coach (Sue) about growing my practice and future workshops. We chatted on and on about what I was doing and what I can do to expand my business more globally. Everything was going along nicely until the “Oh crap!” part happened; she asked me what I valued and what I honor in my life.

WHAM! A ton of reality just smacked me in the face and in that moment I realized I was not honoring my values and that my awareness to some of the important things in my life was less than par. The shocking part was that I had allowed my values to take a back seat in my life, which is one reason I was not honoring them. Well, like the great coach that Sue is, she picked up on where I was getting caught and reeled me back in with a powerful request; practice what I teach and get back to the basics! She was right. I thought about that conversation for the rest of that day and night and following morning and decided that I would get back to the basics and what other way to do it than to following along with the workshop myself and coaching cohorts are currently working on for our newsletter!

So here I am, becoming aware, and the first step is to recognize my values; my top 20 values, then 10 that I most identify with and finally my top five that I feel I honor every day. My to p20 are Acceptance, Accomplishment, Balance, Clarity, Comfort, Connections, Control, Courage, Dedication, Energy, Health, Humor, Independence, Information, Love, Originality, Personal Growth, Understanding, Wealth. The 10 that I identify with most are Accomplishment, Balance, Clarity, Comfort, Connections, Information, Health, Love, Personal Growth, and Wealth. The five that I want to honor everyday are Balance, Connections, Information, Health and Wealth.

Thank God those are out! So what next? Good Question…..

Spectrum of colors: My journey to awareness. Oh, and yes I have a coach!

Over the next three months I will take my own journey to the colorful world of awareness. I encourage you to follow me and I challenge you to take your own journey! More to come so stay tuned!

What Are You Afraid Of?

As I grow as a coach and expand my practice I learn lots of new and exciting things. Not just about coaching, but about life in general; what moves people, what moves me and more importantly, what holds us back. I have come to the conclusion that no matter what we tell ourselves in order to justify our setbacks in life it all boils down to FEAR; the ugly F word! That four letter gremlin! This fear is disguised in so many different masks; “I’m not smart enough.” He was better for the job anyway.” “This is the way it is meant to be for me.” “I don’t have time.” “My husband thinks differently.” “My kids take up much of my time.” “I have no other choice.” OK, so maybe you really are a busy person and yes, kids do take up a lot of time that rightfully they need and of course you want your significant other to float on the same wave length as you do, but the reality that everything will fall into place every day the exact way you need to is on another playing field. And the thought that your goal should be someone else’s to enjoy sounds, well, sad.

That playing field is where FEAR is not a dreaded four letter word. It’s a place where you are fully aware, naturally creative, resourceful and whole. This place is where you allow yourself to acknowledge your fears, be with them and still move forward! This playing field has no room for gremlins. When you allow yourself the power of awareness you start to understand where your fears are coming from and why they rear their ugly heads.

What I find interesting is that individuals fear being coached. Why? Because the coaching process assists you in executing the actions necessary to achieve your goals; this process includes facing your fears, whatever they may be.

When you face your life fears you make a choice, a choice to acknowledge them, but still move forward or the choice to allow your fears to hinder your growth and simply hold you back. So there it is you do have choices. You choose to read this article, you choose to continue on your path or you choose to make a new one. This new path is way out on that playing field where there is no judgment and your gremlins are not invited. So I ask you again, “What are you afraid of?”

Co-Active Coaching & Four Steps to Building A Profitable Coaching Practice

Before I made my final decision to become a coach I interviewed three life coaches and four schools. I was thrilled that I took the time to learn more about the coaching arena and dug deep; this questioning and discovery led me through a door of freedom, clarity, and purpose. Finally I found something that I was great at and felt great sharing. For years I loved to be the listening ear that people close to me needed and if I had words of wisdom or exploration to share, I gladly did. Little did I know that I too had a career choice that I loved and could excel at; Life Coach! If only I knew about this seven years ago I would not have been underwriting and feeling stuck.

I could not wait to start my coaching studies, so the eager beaver that I am, asked what reading material can I buy to get me started and learning. That book was Co-Active Coaching. This book as become my coaching bible! Co-Active Coaching gave me insight to coaching dynamics and outlines important coaching techniques such as The Coaching Model, listen skills, Gremlin Awareness and many other useful tips and information. The bonus is that the book provides documents for your coaching tool box.

Now, six months later, I am in the heart of my coaching education with a handful of clients; learning and growing everyday! What an exciting time in my life. To partner with everyday people in their quest to find clarity, fulfillment, balance, and wholeness, is thrilling and motivating. My clients give me the privilege of being with them in their moments; growing, learning, evolving and becoming the best version of themselves they are meant to be.

Of course like all careers, growing your business does not happen overnight nor is it easy. There is work to be done in this arena and that is where Four Steps To Building A profitable Coaching Practice comes into play. This book is full of ways to promote your coaching practice and the beauty of the book is that no one way is right and you don’t have to do every step in order to grow your practice. This book offers guidelines and how-to’s, it’s up to the coach to decide what way works best for them and then go with it. This book also offers coaching exercises to help the reader discover what approach is best for them and how to identify with what their target market is. You will go over four steps; 1) Decide Who You Want To Coach, 2) Create A Program Your Target Audience Will Pay You For, 3) Create A Marketing Strategy, 4) Learn How To Sell.

I have enjoyed both of these reads and recommend them to all coaches.

Co-Active Coaching by Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House
Four Steps To Building A Profitable Coaching Practice by Deborah Brown-Volkman

Building Your Coaching Business – The Secret to Increasing Your Coaching Sales 2-5 Times

As I grew my own coaching business there were some real aha moments. One of them I’d like to share with you.

I do several workshops a month with coaches, consultants, and sometimes other small businesses. I always ask one simple question, “If you met with 10 people this week that had shown an interest in your coaching how many of them would buy.” The most frequent answers are

I don’t know.
Oh .. . maybe . . . let’s see . . . maybe 1 in 10.

What’s yours?

What should it be?

If you aren’t closing 40-50% then maybe you should review a couple of areas, marketing AND sales. In marketing and sales the things to review are simple:

What you say, who you say it to, and how you say it. It either connects and persuades, or turns those you are talking to off..

Marketing –

Who you are marketing to
What you are saying in your marketing message (is it about you, or about them, and would it get their attention)


Do you start by TELLING or ASKING
What’s the ultimate outcome you want for the person you are talking with.

If you are one of those getting only 1 in 10, or less then reviewing those issues could move you up from 1 in 10 to 4-5 in 10, or possibly higher. That would be an increase of 4-5 times more clients than you have now, or more. I’ve been quite surprised at how easy it is to increase both sales and marketing results by larger multipliers.

As we move forward discussing some of the concepts I may talk about “business coaching” but it still applies to all over areas of coaching. So, if I’m saying something like what a business coach may ask of his clients, simply switch the concept to the issues a life coach may talk about. Instead of a business coach asking his prospect to tell him about his business, ask your life coaching clients about their life, or a career coach asking about the job they have or the one they want, or the career they want. It all works the same way.

Looking at Marketing

Marketing starts when we reach out into that cold cruel world that doesn’t know us from Adam and we make our first touch. The only thing we want to happen here is to “get their attention” and to have them saying “Wow, we’d like to talk about what you have that we want.” Those people are delivered to our sales process to get their commitment that they want what we have and will buy it.

I’m not really going to delve deeply into marketing at this point since my main focus is sales, however, marketing has a huge impact on our sales. If marketing is

not bringing the right target market then those that land in your sales lap just plain won’t buy, or will be extremely difficult to close. In fact you should only want those that are BEGGING for the results you can provide them. Sales would be a gi’me at that point wouldn’t it?
not being EXTREMELY selective — identify your niche, narrow your niche, and narrow it even further, and then identify who is so much in need, and those who are most liekly to buy. Focus, focus, focus.

Looking at Sales

As I said above, marketing should be delivering people that a pre-sold, not just barely interested. But, depending on how well your marketing is working, you are going to get people landing in your sales process that range all of the way from “tire kickers” checking this out as a possibility, to those that are “begging for your services”.

A target to shoot for is closing about 40-50%, but if everything lines up, your marketing message and your sales message, and follow the sales process below, some coaches have told us they are hitting 90%.

Here’s a simple step by step sales process with a few basic rules to start with.


It’s about them and not about you.
Always focus on HELPING and not SELLING. You are there to find out what they want, or need (where do they want to be), what they are struggling with (obstacles), and how they can get the results they want. You aren’t there to sell them anything (although if they find that you have the answers they need, can provide a huge value that’s worth more than the cost) they will want to buy.
Whenever you hear yourself talking about you, your products or your services, STOP, and switch modes into asking what they want or need, what’s gone on before, and what they’d like to see hapen into the future.
Selling is not telling, it’s asking the right questions, showing an interest in them and their problems, and asking if this or that might work for them. You’re here to help them find their answers and exploring questions with them.
Think Platinum rule, not Golden Rule —
The Golden rule says “do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.” That’s about YOU and what you’d want in that situation. Not everyone wants what you want or thinks like you do. It’s your ego that tells you that everyone would want what you want. And when a salesperson is operating from the Golden Rule he’s frequently TELLING his client what they should be doing. The Platinum rule says “do unto others as they would want done unto them.” Before you can deliver WHAT THEY WANT the way they want it, you’ll have to ask. And even after asking don’t jump to the conclusion that you KNOW what’s best for them and start telling them. Instead, ASK, “do you think this would work for you?” Or Tell a story about a client that had a similar situation and got some fantastic result from working with you, and then ask “would you like to have a result like that?”
Selling is not telling
Your main goal from this is ACTION. Getting them to DO something, and it’s not always buying your product or service.

Now to the sales process THAT WORKS.

THIS IS IMPORTANT. This is where most coaches and consultants get it wrong. Let’s use an analogy.

Most believe their job is to lead the horse to water. NO

Their job is really to make him thirsty.

Most coaches start right off either telling the prospect all about his coaching, his process of coaching, what steps they will do, such as “we’ll meet every Thursday for an hour, we’ll work on ________” etc. OR the coach will spend this sales time coaching the prospect toward the solution that the coach THINKS the prospect has. What the coach thinks, may or may not be true, but that’s not the point. If the coach is trying to lead his prospect to THE SOLUTION he’s leading this horse to water.

I know most coaches are trying to show the prospect that they can do it, or to find some aha moments that will wow the prospect. However, when they find their way to water by coaching their prospect to help him “find the solution” to the problems there are a few other potential outcomes that actually can become predominant.

They feel that they’ve just received EVERYTHING there is and don’t need anymore. So they won’t want more.
They don’t see that this will provide anything they need, so they don’t want any more.
They could see the value, but the value they received in a few minutes of your time wasn’t of ENOUGH value, so they aren’t compelled to want more.
Even if they do see this as valuable, without “making him REALLY thirsty” for more, they just aren’t very compelled, or excited as if you spent time to Make them thirsty

So instead of coaching them toward “find the solution to their problems” spend the time coaching them to find reasons they should be moving forward, to find the VALUE that they would get IF they did hire you and that others have discovered after they did hire you. It’s the VALUE of the results they’ll get from hiring you that will make their mouth water. We want them jumping up and down with excitement to get the same value that some of your current clients have already experienced.

Keep in mind, your prospects make their decision to buy from someone based on just one thing. They will buy the most valuable thing they can at the best price they can get it. So VALUE is the reason to buy or not to buy. VALUE is how they decide whether they hire the coach behind door #1, or behind door #10. They’ll compare the VALUE they perceive they will get from each of the coaches they talk to, or even the VALUE of coaching, versus consulting, or or hiring some other service or product.

Don’t expect your prospect to DISCOVER the value on his own just because you’ve coached him to some answers. Answers in the hand seem “so obvious” that they no longer have value. They’ll go, “Wow, why didn’t I think of that” and, yes, they may thank you for it, but suddenly, it’s just not worth that fee you lay on them.

So, spend your time coaching them to discover how much value they will get, how much value it would be to remove that obstacle they have, how much value some of your clients have received . . . and make it measurable. Don’t say “they grew their business a LOT” say “ABC Company had exactly the same problem as you, were struggling with _________, and after we worked on ____________ they increased another $10M within 6 weeks.” Use the SMART formula, Specific, Measurable (dollars and cents, or a multiplier), Attainable, Reachable (with a challenge, and definitely make it a long reach with a huge challenge that they’d love to have), and time based. That delivers such a clear picture of THE VALUE others have received that they now know what’s possible for them, and they’ll want the same thing.

Now how do we do that?

What’s the process?

Make sure you take notes, as we’ll be stating some of these things back to the prospect at the end. We’ll need the notes.

Step 1 –Rapport — This is “getting to know them.” Spend 2-5 minutes getting to know each other. (NOTE: I assume that there has already been some initial “getting to know you, like you and trust you” in your marketing, so this step is a little loosening up and feeling comfortable. Some basic questions.

Tell me about your ___________ [business if you are a business coach, life issues if you are a life coach, etc.]
Some other ideas are using the GAIN formula, Goals, Accomplishments,Interests, Networks, and Skills. Ask them to tell you about one of those.
Keep this short. It is to break the ice, to get them freely talking. If you aren’t careful it’s easy to get your prospect talking about himself for hours and you’ll discover that you won’t have any time for why you are here. So, as you ask questions, such as “what are you goals” gently start asking questions that move you into the next steps, such as “great goals, what has kept you from achieving them?” Which leads into the next step of the sales process, discovering their obstacles

Your prospect is likely to ask what you do at some point in this. As I say, it’s about them and not about you. BUT, your prospect, at some point, will want to know about you. Actually, what he wants to know is not about you, but about what you can do to help him. So, when he asks the question “tell me about you” then briefly say something like, “I work with ______[name him, his industry] who struggle with ________ to help them ___________ [name a measurable outcome that most of your clients get.” And then switch the subject back to them by asking, “tell me what you’d like to see happen with your ___ [business if a business coach, life or family or job for a life coach, etc.] and move into step 2.

Step 2 — Goals and Obstacles — Ask questions, get them to define clearly what they’d like to have happen (making it measurable) and by when, also another measurement). You are coaching them to get them to clearly define their goals, and what’s holding them back. Collect a list of their goals, then ask them what’s held them back, what are the obstacles, why haven’t they been able to do this before this? Make sure to have an obstacle or obstacles for every goal.

Step 3 — Make them emotional– I’m sure you’ve heard that people don’t buy logically, they buy emotionally and then justify their decision to buy logically. So, don’t assume that they will just hear the value you bring and they will HAVE to buy because it is soooo valuable. We also want to help them find the emotional value. After you have developed the measurable goals and obstacles, ask them the questions that make them emotionally involved and literally COMPELLED to move forward. Questions that dig deeper into other reasons why they’d have to do this. Here are some that might be helpful for a business coach

Talking with your prospect–You said that you wanted to take this business to $10M (goal) but you haven’t been able to get enough clients (obstacle), what has that done to you personally (or to your family life). It’s likely that your prospect is putting in 10-15 hours, not home with the family, AND somewhere in the back of his mind he remembers that originally when he started this business he had a picture in his head that it would allow him to spend more time with the family, and have the money to do some great things. In other words there is an even bigger vision that we haven’t discovered yet. And that vision has some other pain with it, emotional pain that he isn’t spending time with his kids as they grow up, or they are not being able to do what they wanted to do. DIG FOR THE EMOTIONAL Pain. Also, dig for what it will look like WHEN he gets there.


Ask them not only about that dream they’ve always had, not just about the business, but digging deeper into what that will allow them to do personally, with the family, with others.

This is very important. This is a brain shift. Think of this like you used to shift gears in your car (assuming a manual gear shift). You can’t get up to speed when you are stuck in low. It just isn’t going to happen. So, we are going to shift this sales process into the next gear, getting the prospect moving faster toward his answers and decisions.

When we’ve been talking about goals, and obstacles, to a certain extent we are thinking logically, we’ve also been talking about how things have been with only a slight shift toward the future. Now, we want to shift from logical thinking, to even more emotional thinking and creative thinking. That’s the key. To make that shift to emotional and to creative thinking shifts from one lobe of the brain to the other. In fact, it shifts to the lobe of the brain that actually makes decisions, the ones you want your prospect to make.

So, let’s spend time asking questions like “I’m sure that you had a dream about what you’d be able to do if you succeeded at this business. Tell me what you (or the business) will look like in 6 months if you could [achieve the goals we’ve discussed, or knock down those obstacles we’ve discussed}. Get them telling you not only what it’ll look like business wise, but what they’ll be doing personally because of that. Get them DREAMING and CREATING the future. This will become extremely emotional. I’ve seen CEOs cry.

It’s very likely during this step that your prospect will become very involved, and could go on and on. Let him. He is getting EXCITED about what could happen (you’re getting his mouth to water. That was our main goal here.)

Even if you run out of time, let him take this as far as he wants. In fact, make sure to participate in this, not by making your own suggestions (DON’T), but by just encouraging him to dream. Interject (Hmmm! I’d love that too, or Wow, you know I had a client who____ [just don’t take too much time from his own dreams. Keep your comments short and exciting. Build on his excitement.]

If you do run out of time, ask him if he’d like to continue this conversion toward finding the answers to (then start naming some of the goals, dreams, and obstacles you have in your notes) and when he’d like to achieve those goals. Set the next appointment with a specific goal of: coming closer to achieving those goals, dreams, and overcoming those obstacles.

Notice something? We have not mentioned anything to the prospect about coaching, or about you.

Step 5 — Making the turn toward home — The Close

This should be the first time you even mention what you do. But again it’ll be focused on what your prospect wants.

It’s time to summarize what you’ve helped this prospect learn. Repeat back his biggest goals and obstacles. Repeat back his dreams, and emphasize those dreams, encourage those dreams, “Wow, I can understand how important is to you,” or something similar.

It’s now time for questions that ask if they’d like to resolve this, ro to achieve those goals, or when they plan on achieving these goals. These are questions around “are you going to do anything about this and when will you do it”

Don’t hesitate to repeat the values we’ve discovered if he does achieve his goal, or if he remove the obstacle. One of the things you should have already done in the asking about his obstacles is “what’s the impact of not removing that obstacle” while making it measurable and timebased. A good questions would be what does this cost every day (or week, or month) that this obstacle is not removed?

Now’s the time to repeat the cost of not fixing it as opposed to the extra income, or whatever, that will be generated if he does move forward, mixing that with the emotional values you’ve discovered, and simply asking,

When do you plan on removing this (or accomplishing this)?

If you could have similar results to (name one of your clients you mentioned above with the value they received), what would that do for you? And, “is that something you’d like to have?”

Now wrap it up. He’s likely to ask what it costs, but don’t just drop it out on the table. Position those measurable results against the cost. Would you like to see another $10M (or double your business) with my help?

Step 6– What if

Most of the time you will have answered any sales objection they have by now. But if the prospect still has questions or objections, ask them (don’t tell them) about their concerns. Validate the fact that these are valid concerns. Tell them a story about a client of yours who also had that same objection, but once he moved forward this or that happened (make it measurable), and as what they’d need to be satisfied.

Follow this sales process and watch your sales go UP and UP. Review your results from time to time. Are you moving from 1 in 10 to 2 in 10? Are you constantly getting better at this? Are you on your way to 4 or 5 in 10?

Your answers are in this article. Look to see if you are doing each of these steps and getting more and more prospects buying and ask yourself which of these are working and which are not? Are you doing these steps or leaving some out? Are you connecting with the prospect.

Do you want to learn more about how to increase your coaching business?

I have just completed my brand new guide to coaching marketing success. You’ll also get a free invitation to join a mastermind group of other coaches as they build their business. Hear what works and doesn’t work.

Get your “How to Build a Super Star Coaching Business for free.

Alan Boyer coach’s coaches, who want at least another $100K this year … The reports have been “5-10 times more clients in just a few weeks, and still growing.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_Boyer

Tara Raj/Live Authentically – Coaching Rates

Rates and Coaching Programs

Individual – Life Coaching, Personal Coaching, Career Coaching
•$75.00 for a 2 hour coach/client intake interview – one time fee
•$45.00 per session for 45 minute sessions, once a week; same day and time
•Unlimited email support
•Session minutes sent to client via email
•Three month contract required

Group – Life Coaching Career Coaching
•Minimum of 6 people, maximum of 10 per group
•Waive intake interview fee for any group client that wants to transfer into the individual session environment
•Three month contract required
•Unlimited email support
•$75 per month for a 2 hour sessions meeting once a week; same day and time

Workshop – Public
•Intro on coach
•Over view of what a coach is
•What a coach offers
•Coaching techniques
•Cover a few coaching exercises
•$21.50 per person 2-3 hours, this includes time for questions and answers

Workshop- Company
•3 half days; morning to afternoon or afternoon to 5PM
•1 full day with a break for lunch and one half day; first day morning to 5PM and second day is morning to 1PM
•Intro on coach
•Cover team building techniques
•Vision and purpose for employees
•Balance work commitments
•How to’s on keeping your job enjoyable
•Free intake interview for any employee that wishes to enter into a three month contract for any of the coaching services provided


May 2024


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